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AbU dHabi, United Arab Emirates

Sunday, April 7, 2013

She is my first in me

A healthy body will nurture a healthy mind. We have heard of this zillion times from our time of birth- the first rhyme from our Moms lips. Well, there lies a  fact- apart from the usual tyrants of pineal gland and understanding the rhythm of body. I would like to re-iterate the value of disciplining the body’s susceptibility to wear off, ranging from saying No to the most craved food to saying YES to sing a lullaby to make her  fall asleep when she needs, not when I want. It again varies from posturing your body right to feeding her with a balanced diet and adequate exercise, or from de-stressing to detoxifying. Theologists and the philosophers from centuries, are quoted saying “Every human being is the author of his own health or his own diseases”.

When I fail in my strength  to envision, I see my body's thirst for plain water. My skin speaks in dried painful chants when she is thirsty. My mind picks all impossible possibilities on earth, all dilemmas which can never be solved  – when I don’t feed her with the music of love and care. When I break into tears and soaks my soul, my spine droops in distress,  and she speaks by sending her pain waves to me. I fail to stand in that virtual reality. These are just my simple telepathic symptoms among the plentitude which comes from my mind to body and vice versa.

Listening to those signals which the body sends out in every millisecond, her pulse of pleasure or her sigh of pain-  gives you the mantra to make her live in merry. Trust me she replies, ok, lemme prove it. Whenever you plan for the next day’s event – she confidently wakes you up at the time you planned much before your alarm does. She gives you the dreams and vision of your event as you sleep to make you fit for it. You may call it psychological impact or body clock’s mechanism, after all I call it “her whisperings and affections to me”. Abusing body's true self, her inherent charm and response to us get affected much with the random exploitation with irregularities. She does give you signs of her tears by an obesity, depression, vertebral disorders, skin rashes, recurring head aches, insomnia, drowsiness and you may just name it, after all your body's language is never mine.

I be flexible too at times I go disordered with my patterns in sleep, when I know that I have stored enough of my sleep so that I could leave my  eyes open for something or someone till I reach my threshold. I often fail to take my body for a walk, I fail in giving her fresh air, a sight of beauty. But only when you know her, you will be able to realize what is she deprived of….

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yammy Delight

Yam Fry:

I liked it and one my most important ktchen masterpiece which any one could relish. Let this be never faded from my feed, and hence I blog. I pity self, if this is the case, my Mom would turn to be super-blogger.
For I kinda rare kitchen explorer, am sure there someone else like me, this is gonna boost your confidence :P
Well, back to recipe:


Yam (Chena) -1/2 Kg

Salt: As the way You love it

Ginger Garlic Paste: 1 tsp

Chilly Powder: 2 Tsp

Oil: As reqd

Turmeric powder: 1/2 tsp

Corn flour/ Maida- 2tsp

Preparation Method:

1)Cut yam slim flat like biscuits after removing outer black skin.

2)Cook it in water along with turmeric powder and salt for 10 mins.

:- It should be boiled and little cooked.

3)Drain water.

4)Add to it ginger & garlic paste, chilli powder, a pinch salt, corn flour powder and rub on the slices and keep aside for 1 hour.

5)In a non stick pan, add 3 tbsp of oil and fry little by little.

6)In the pan, turn over when it is golden brown.

7)Likewise, shallow fry all the yam.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My LEAD Testimony

Hello All
This is Manju Stephen, lives in Abu Dhabi.
LEAD for me was a simple choice, gradually I realized with every module, that  for God it was a great plan.  A plan to give me the insight of worthiness to reach out as a servant leader to the world to whom I am accountable for. A plan to instill in me the lost faith, hope and love which was lost sometime in the tougher rides of life. LEAD modules systematically nourished the need of my soul, and left me with a hunger for more.....
All thanks, praise and love to my Jesus, for choosing me wonderfully; speaking to me personally and through the myriad ways of LEAD Family.
You make a choice.....You become a Leader

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's a Friday

When on a week day I yearn for it, and when I  live in it I want to escape out of it- that is weekend for me (PS: Not Always :D). Thought as I trifle with keys of laptop let the lines formed be the reflection of a Friday- Thoughts of mine. There is nothing classy I can do today than printing my boredom.
Friday is my realization day that the energy I could spend for others has huge fortitude than what I plan to do for self. The day I make greater resolutions and higher objectives for self- discipline and caring.
Laid-back and anxiously tracing the progress of life of my facebook friends.The day of clearing the week- long accumulations at home. The day I wish let the navigators show wrong direction to all the visitors to my home, as I enjoy my laziness and sweat from house hold chores. The day I don't comb my hair, the day I fold my blanket 'n' number of times, the day I watch movies with out seeing it.
The day I stare at the calendar and  crash land in to the destination of 30th and 31st, to satisfy the hunger of my accounts  hardly seeing the graying of my hairs and the pigmentation on my skin.
I do greater things as well, as I give advice  : "Every culinary creation needs a magical touch of love for it to appease the craving of an eater. Otherwise its worthless, even its a mug of coffee". This goes to Mom to let her know the improvement she needs to put in for a better taste. A day of occasional despair,with an ON and OFF button which plays the music of random emotions. A day of fight with my mood swings, and a day of late lights off to wake up in to the warmth of a beautiful week with a new set of Goals, and I say " God, 6 more days for the weekend, wish the Friday comes faaaast"
 So today I thank God, that Its a Friday!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Collage of Women Cries

A women to be born again in boldness still needs to satisfy number of factors :
Where am I born, what is my ethnicity?
In to the lap of  civilization immunized with the absolute freedom of expression or under the cover-all of taboos and threats.
Can I earn a living? 
If not, its not I speak-I blabber. If I don't earn pennies nor power, I may not either earn the freedom of speech.
Do I have a men force who cares and supports me in every decision I take, like any other individual.
.....and probably many more, which my thoughts at this time has no much relevance to.

Recent incidents which shook my heart is what I express here with no intention to judge nor claim justice and righteousness. The society here is ever willing to accept and get easily pleased with a philanthropist, but if a mercy or a loud outcry for a women victim by a women will always tag me as a feminist, which is not always an acceptable label even in this "womens" era.

Two incidents in the recent past which I read from the newspapers made a viral significance in the social media- both to the national and international readers. I won't blame a mobile cam user's instant eagerness and  action to record or click a brutality or a mishap, 'with all its ethics and respect', inorder to spread the news across billions who are ignorant of the 'world', which includes me. A picture speaks 1000 words, when I look at one of those pictures I can feel the throbbing of that Afghan women awaiting her death from behind. Was she able to notice- that gentle breeze, that deep blue sky, that pleasant morning, the beauty of those green bushy trees infront of her? No... She would have seen only darkness, the darkness which is deeper than darkness.
I don't know your name dear girl, I don't know what your world accused you for- who am I to judge you? But I see you today along with this world.
I see you this little Guwahati girl, molested in public by public taking turn by turn, scavenging her emotions, her tender dreams, her confidence, her self-being. What have you got my crowd? What was your aim? What can you claim? None of us remember her face, but can she  forget that it was She?

Gulf news recently had an appalling statistics from an international resource. To learn a figure, which has much to do with where I come from, was much interesting-Dowry Related murders -22 women are killed  each day.
Where has it gone dear souls- your blood-sheds, sparks and activism against dowry, female foeticide, girl trafficking, slavery, rape, physical and verbal abuse- still makes us to read this news paper clips.
I was disturbed, and it took a few hours of sleep from me. Unknowingly, I shed tears not due to sympathy, but out of fear. I know I am living in the world where our girls still see nightmares of violence, unknown fearsome faces, long grabbing hands, thirst for breath and finally wakes up with teary eyes and heavily pulsating heart, and her days are tired of the previous night's never-ending escape runs.
Sometimes it is more tiring to re-write the script and re-see the dream with a safe ending. And now I too have a happy ending here, from the same newspaper. When I saw you, Tahmina Kohistani, in the pages of London Olympics 2012, marching with determination in your eyes and a gracious smile midst of insults and catcalls, I see you, and I felt the dignity in you.
Afghan Athlete Tahmina Kohistani

Unheard cries of Souls

 Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham,have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

I always had  an anxiety, and probably many of you, on our life after death. In christian beliefs, still the much heard heaven, hell and purgatory was never convincing nor palatable, until I read from a book by Maria Simma, ‘The Souls in Purgatory’. Maria  Simma’s many time confrontation and her conversation with the souls, and the realization of the facts from the souls smoothened much of my bitter pain and concerns of my question on life after death
Perhaps we need to define what is the soul first. The soul is the primary principle of life. In every individual soul is created directly by God and is infused into the embryo at the moment of conception. 

Souls in Purgatory, or the Holy Souls, are the souls of those who have died in the state of grace but who are not yet free from all punishment due to their unforgiven venial sins and all other sins already forgiven (for which satisfaction is still to be made). They are certain to enter Heaven but must first suffer proportionately in Purgatory. It is the teaching of the Church that these souls are aided by our prayers and good works, and especially by the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Though they cannot help themselves, it is commonly believed that they can assist us, and the Church commends our prayers for their intercession. The length of time souls are detained in Purgatory depends on:

a) the number of their faults;
b) on the malice and deliberation with which these have been committed;
c) on the penance done, or not done, the satisfaction made, or not made for sins during life;
d) much, too, depend on the suffrages offered for them after death by friends and relatives still alive. 

What can be safely said is that the time souls spend in Purgatory, as a rule, is very much longer than people commonly imagine.

Excerpts from the interview with Maria Simma is here with the link for the full interview article.

What do these souls ask of you?

“In most cases, they ask to have Masses celebrated; they ask to have the rosary said and also that one make the Stations of the Cross:".

Maria, do the souls in Purgatory have, nevertheless, joy and hope amidst their suffering?
Yes. No soul would want to come back from Purgatory to the earth. They have knowledge which is infinitely beyond ours. They just could not decide to return to the darkness of the earth. There is nothing on earth which could make them want to live here again, where one is never sure of anything

Maria, can you tell us now If it is God who sends a soul into Purgatory, or If the soul itself decides to go there?

 It is the soul itself which wants to go to Purgatory, in order to be pure before going to Heaven

Maria, can you tell us what the role of Our Lady is with the souls in Purgatory?
She comes often to console them and to tell them they have done many good things. She encourages them.  She visits often on Christmas Day, All Saints Day, Good Friday, the Feast of the Assumption, and the Ascension of Jesus.

Maria, why does one go to Purgatory? What are the sins which most lead to Purgatory?
Sins against charity, against the love of one’s neighbor; hardness of heart, hostility, slandering, calumny – all these things
Once I asked a poor soul if she could go to look for a soul I had been asked to find out about. She replied: “No, it is the Mother of  Mercy who tells us about it.” Also, the souls in Heaven do not come to Purgatory. On the other hand, the angels are there: Saint Michael...and each soul has its guardian angel with it.

Maria, does the devil have permission to attack us at the moment of death?
Yes, but man also has the grace to resist him, to push him away. So, if man does not want anything to do with him, the devil can do nothing. Pray hard! Prepare him for death; one must speak the truth.

Maria, I would like to ask you: at the moment of death, is there a time in which the soul still has the chance to turn towards God, even after a sinful life, before entering into eternity - a time, if you like, between apparent death and real death?

Yes, yes, the Lord gives several minutes to each one, in order to regret his sins and to decide: I accept or I do not accept to go see God.

Maria, do the souls in Purgatory rebel when faced with their suffering?
 No! They want to purify themselves; they understand that it is necessary

Maria, are there any children in Purgatory?
Yes, but Purgatory for them is not very long or painful, since they lack much discernmenthttp://www.scribd.com/doc/4853780/Amazing-Secret-of-the-Souls-in-Purgatory
Have people from other religions-for example, Jews - come to visit you?
Yes, they are happy. Anyone who lives his faith well is happy. But it is through the Catholic faith that we gain the most for Heaven

What happens to people who have committed suicide? Have you ever been visited by these people?
Up to now, I have never encountered the case of a suicide who was lost - this doesn’t mean, ofcourse, that that doesn’t exist -but often, the souls tell me that the most guilty were those around them, when they were negligent or spread calumny.

What advice would you give, then, to all those people afflicted by homosexuality, with this tendency in them?
Pray a lot for the strength to turn away from it. They should above all pray to the Archangel Michael; he is the great fighter par excellence against the Evil One.
 One day, I was on a train and in my compartment there was a man who didn ‘t stop speaking evil of the Church,of priests, even of God. I said to him: “Listen, you don’t have the right to say all that, it’s not good.” He was furious at me. Afterwards, I arrived at my station; I got down from the train, and said to God: “Lord, do not let this soul be lost.”Years later; the soul of this man came to visit me; he told me that he had come very close to Hell, but he was saved simply by this prayer I had said at that moment!
Yes, it’s extraordinary to see that just one thought, one impulse of the heart, a simple prayer for someone can prevent them from falling into Hell. It is pride which leads to Hell. Hell is to stubbornly say “NO” against God. Our prayers can elicite an act of humility in the dying, a single instant of humility, however small, which can help them to avoid Hell

When the devil appears, does holy water always make him leave?
 It disturbs him very much and he flees at once

Really! What do you think of the practices of spiritism, for example, calling up the spirits of the departed, Ouija- boards, etc.?

 It is not good. It is always evil. It is the devil who makes the table move

Don’t Forget About Indulgences!
Mother Church has some wonderful treasures in store for us - let’s take a closer look at some of them!
“Through indulgences the faithful can obtain the remission of temporal punishment resulting from sins for themselves and also for the souls of Purgatory”

Plenary indulgence can be obtained on the following occasions:
·         adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for at least one half-hour;
·         recitation of the entire rosary in church, as a family or in community
·         making the Stations of the Cross;
·         reading Holy Scripture for at least one half-hour;
·         a church visit between noon of November 1 and mid-night of November 2, for the intention of the deceased;
·         visiting a cemetery, for the intention of the deceased;
·         taking part in a First Holy Communion ceremony, or the first Mass of a priest, or the anniversary of 25, 50, or60 years of priesthood;
·         renewing one’s baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil;
·         adoration of the Cross during the Good Friday liturgy;
·         papal benediction, even when received listening to the radio or watching on television.

Yes, Divine Heart of Jesus

Grant me the grace always to live according to your will, as much in the finest, most joyful, most important moments of my life as in the difficult moments. Grant me always to be ready for my last hour; give me the courage to give everything for your love, even my life, if necessary. Jesus, through your most Holy and painful Passion, may your coming at the hour of my death find me awake, like a good servant, with true repentance, a good confession, fortified by the last sacraments. Lord, do not abandon me in my last struggle on this earth, when I will have to battle against Satan, perhaps raging in fury. May your Holy Mother, the Mother of Mercy, and Saint Michael and all the angels, help and protect me against all temptation at the hour I leave this world. May they strengthen and console me in my pain. Grant me, Lord, at that hour, a living faith, a firm trust, an ardent love and a great patience. Help me to commit myself fully, in all clarity of mind, into your hands and to abandon myself like a little child to your holy peace. In your infinite goodness and your great mercy, O Jesus, remember me! Amen.