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AbU dHabi, United Arab Emirates

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Work of Your Hands

Well, am back to interpret emotions in a very personal way :) but then the question would arise what my last post has to do with emotions, and I just emotionalized  it for the sake of doing it. To be honest, that was my research for a work which I had to share with my colleague. However dint want to loose the data. These days, the greatest method of preservation is web loading. So I preserved the refrigeration.

Back to the core of heart feelings, I have something very beautiful to share.
My inspirations are made in to a collage, who are been blessed with the rewards of "fruit of womb".
All they have to share is the good news. “I sing for joy at the works of Your hands.” – Psalm 92:4

I happened to subscribe to the newsletters of a pregnancy site. Now don't ask me why :) What woke my curiosity up from that site is the most minute and inner most happenings of creation. I watched its videos with a 4D theater experience- I did not even have to conceive to feel the movement of a life within me.
We tend to define many terms to claim that we are the planner of our offspring's birth
Family Planning 
Safe Period
We stick to the above, knowing that none above can justify why there a lack of 0.01% to make it 100% while no method of contraception claims 100% effectiveness. 

To make it short, watch out this video - this made me redefine the word CONCEPTION, from being it as a process (fusion of gametes) to as a MASTER PLAN of CREATION which has accuracy, precision and perfection in its own immaculacy.

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