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AbU dHabi, United Arab Emirates

Sunday, April 7, 2013

She is my first in me

A healthy body will nurture a healthy mind. We have heard of this zillion times from our time of birth- the first rhyme from our Moms lips. Well, there lies a  fact- apart from the usual tyrants of pineal gland and understanding the rhythm of body. I would like to re-iterate the value of disciplining the body’s susceptibility to wear off, ranging from saying No to the most craved food to saying YES to sing a lullaby to make her  fall asleep when she needs, not when I want. It again varies from posturing your body right to feeding her with a balanced diet and adequate exercise, or from de-stressing to detoxifying. Theologists and the philosophers from centuries, are quoted saying “Every human being is the author of his own health or his own diseases”.

When I fail in my strength  to envision, I see my body's thirst for plain water. My skin speaks in dried painful chants when she is thirsty. My mind picks all impossible possibilities on earth, all dilemmas which can never be solved  – when I don’t feed her with the music of love and care. When I break into tears and soaks my soul, my spine droops in distress,  and she speaks by sending her pain waves to me. I fail to stand in that virtual reality. These are just my simple telepathic symptoms among the plentitude which comes from my mind to body and vice versa.

Listening to those signals which the body sends out in every millisecond, her pulse of pleasure or her sigh of pain-  gives you the mantra to make her live in merry. Trust me she replies, ok, lemme prove it. Whenever you plan for the next day’s event – she confidently wakes you up at the time you planned much before your alarm does. She gives you the dreams and vision of your event as you sleep to make you fit for it. You may call it psychological impact or body clock’s mechanism, after all I call it “her whisperings and affections to me”. Abusing body's true self, her inherent charm and response to us get affected much with the random exploitation with irregularities. She does give you signs of her tears by an obesity, depression, vertebral disorders, skin rashes, recurring head aches, insomnia, drowsiness and you may just name it, after all your body's language is never mine.

I be flexible too at times I go disordered with my patterns in sleep, when I know that I have stored enough of my sleep so that I could leave my  eyes open for something or someone till I reach my threshold. I often fail to take my body for a walk, I fail in giving her fresh air, a sight of beauty. But only when you know her, you will be able to realize what is she deprived of….