Touch, the largest sensory reception was not always given its dignity as a word, and that beautiful feel usually gets over shadowed by TouchMate, Touch SCreen and other Touch applications of this techi era, or with the mask of sexuality.
Some times we say, certain things touched my heart and that is a remembrance for life and I would say it is not necessary to be pain or sadness which can move your heart, it can be a physical touch which was never given by someone. It reminds me of a specimen experiment done with a few puppies divided in to two groups- a group of isolated puppies provided with delicious dog feed and the other group with a little cuddling and food merely for sustaining its life. A 6 months experiment witnessed the death of the first group puppies.
Parents touch on the womb, they feel the baby, where the sense of first touch are exchanged between the foetus and its folks, and what is more beautiful than that and upon birth, how beautiful is their growth with parents stroking, cuddling, rocking, which nurtures their growth than a wholesome baby protein diet.
How many of us return those touch to our parents, and we look among the statistics for the causes for old age death- denial stands top.

Holding hands, hugging, a back rub, a kiss on forehead, a gentle shoulder massage or even a shake hand brings a great deal of antidote to the anxieties of the world.
Remembering those days where the blindfolded games were played. To say it scientifically I must say those times, the sensory nerves, reflex arc and its impulse were highly activated- where Anup, Latha, Swapna or Poornima were recognized just with a touch. Does my skin still sense them?
Take a pen & paper and jot down the most memorable touches you have received, which you still value as a deep heal (which could be even a beat from your mathematics teacher too :)
Ensure that you have some sort of physical contact every day other than your Laptop Keyboard, Blackberry Messenger, Car steering or TV remote, you may be surprised by the positive results you will see from this type of change.
There is a life dying since it was not touched, reach out, touch the world, and it will be called as the Divine Touch