My last blog, which is the first blog of the year was a story of loss and miss, and as days go on with the waves of Random Emotions, I have got a new topic to reflect on- Confessing Sins- A strong catholic by birth and growth, me, has something to convince myself.
In a catholic's life, the sacrament of confession/ reconciliation is taught in her/his early 10's, before her First Holy Communion and then she gets a crash course from her parish in that sacrament, its do's and dont's and the modus operandis.
As she grows from that 10's to 20's her knowledge gets widened, and so as sins. Often a person, who keeps away from church gets no other platform to get the revised knowledge about the Sins and Battling it. And such a person always find God as a comfortable person (a planned escape) to confess with than a priest, after all we are all that chosen children, and this made me to explore more on CONFESSION, and a beautiful topic to study in this lent season.
Baptism is a single time act of forgiveness where as confession, a repeated act makes you purer and whiter than snow. As Pope Benedict XVI cites" We need forgiveness over and over again and that forgiveness brings responsibility. Again and again my soul is tarnished by the downward gravitational pull that is present with in me. Therefore we need the humility that constantly asks God for forgiveness, that seeks purification and awakens in us the counterforce, the positive force of the creator, to draw us upwards"- and we are at peace with God again.
Hence frequent confession, refines my soul and body and uplifts it to the hands of God.
Q. Then I wonder, I do any harm and then confess turn me to a pure spirit??
Before confessing our sins we should recognize the seriousness of our wrong doings by conducting a genuine interior act of contrition. At the same time we should have the COURAGE to name our sins properly without concealing anything and to confess them honestly. Well that is hard, and hence it requires a lot of strength, and don't generalize your sins. Generalizing nullify your repentance.
Absolution takes away sin, but it does not remedy all the disorders sin has caused. One must do what ever possible inorder to repair the harm.

Q. I rather prefer waiting for a general absolution, than confronting the priest.
But that is not so easy to get one except some emergency situations, even if once that situation is over, the first priority is to reach to the priest and confess. Then why not in the first place?
Q. Why to go to a priest, when I am so spiritual?
No man can forgive sins except the authorized representatives, from God, which initiated from St. Peter through the Bishops and the ordained priests. What ever they shall bind be bound in heaven, and what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. And when I confess, I confess to You, Lord.
Trust in God "who pardons all your sins, and heals all your ills, who redeems your life from the pit, and crowns you with mercy and compassion, who fills your days with good things, so your youth is renewed like the eagles" Psalms 103:3-5.
In a catholic's life, the sacrament of confession/ reconciliation is taught in her/his early 10's, before her First Holy Communion and then she gets a crash course from her parish in that sacrament, its do's and dont's and the modus operandis.
As she grows from that 10's to 20's her knowledge gets widened, and so as sins. Often a person, who keeps away from church gets no other platform to get the revised knowledge about the Sins and Battling it. And such a person always find God as a comfortable person (a planned escape) to confess with than a priest, after all we are all that chosen children, and this made me to explore more on CONFESSION, and a beautiful topic to study in this lent season.
Baptism is a single time act of forgiveness where as confession, a repeated act makes you purer and whiter than snow. As Pope Benedict XVI cites" We need forgiveness over and over again and that forgiveness brings responsibility. Again and again my soul is tarnished by the downward gravitational pull that is present with in me. Therefore we need the humility that constantly asks God for forgiveness, that seeks purification and awakens in us the counterforce, the positive force of the creator, to draw us upwards"- and we are at peace with God again.
Hence frequent confession, refines my soul and body and uplifts it to the hands of God.
Q. Then I wonder, I do any harm and then confess turn me to a pure spirit??
Before confessing our sins we should recognize the seriousness of our wrong doings by conducting a genuine interior act of contrition. At the same time we should have the COURAGE to name our sins properly without concealing anything and to confess them honestly. Well that is hard, and hence it requires a lot of strength, and don't generalize your sins. Generalizing nullify your repentance.
Absolution takes away sin, but it does not remedy all the disorders sin has caused. One must do what ever possible inorder to repair the harm.

Q. I rather prefer waiting for a general absolution, than confronting the priest.
But that is not so easy to get one except some emergency situations, even if once that situation is over, the first priority is to reach to the priest and confess. Then why not in the first place?
Q. Why to go to a priest, when I am so spiritual?
No man can forgive sins except the authorized representatives, from God, which initiated from St. Peter through the Bishops and the ordained priests. What ever they shall bind be bound in heaven, and what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. And when I confess, I confess to You, Lord.
Trust in God "who pardons all your sins, and heals all your ills, who redeems your life from the pit, and crowns you with mercy and compassion, who fills your days with good things, so your youth is renewed like the eagles" Psalms 103:3-5.