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AbU dHabi, United Arab Emirates

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dad, Is it True or False?

As the celebrations for National day of UAE fuels up, I was excited about the holidays and to turn it into study leaves for the forthcoming exam. Inspite of this exam fever and the not-yet-met time lines for the studies, i told Dad, come on Dad, let's go atleast to fish market, the least time i could spare; one hour.
Dad, i know you care for me :)

i didn ask Dad, his availability or his plans for the day! Is this called a PRIVILEGE. An authority factor, which a wife does not have to her husband, a father not have to his son, or even a daughter not have to her mother. Why Dad's are so tender and soft to his daughters, much beyond all the scientific explanations, there is something which ligate  the pericardium- a divine touch. My tears turn precious only when i cry to him. His heart beats faster, when i panic. His prayer's 45 minutes condenses his anxieties for his daughter.

I recollected all these out of a phone call which interrupted my business talk with my colleague. Here it goes:

" A stressful development review of the year, where i was totally anxious on my future with the company, the upcoming projects  will launch by February and then on my allocation will be challenging.........

He interrupted " I get another call from home, sorry, i guess its something serious, Can i call you back?"

A disappointed me: " Sure".

...a few seconds later he called me back for the discussion to proceed.
I asked him " What happened at home? Is evrything alright?"

He laughed, as soon as he answered the call, his daughter: " Uppa, Fax is a faster mode of commnication, True or False?

Father:  (Strangely, yet not understanding the scenario ) True.
Daughter again: " Fax communicates faster than e-mail, True or False?

Father: With confidence, and understanding partially, that this is her studies) " False"
Daughter: Bye...and she hangs up.

Laughter sparked amidst my tensed mood.
I told my friend " Man, this is a daughter's privilege". 

She doesnot care, where my dad is? or with whom he is busy with, all she needs is to re-instate her authority over her dad.
Even if she is married, it remains. that's why a dad with daughters are the blessed.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Terrific Times

When the brother gave a print out for the weekly exercise, it was never in my mind that i would ever land in writing a lot about the sweet times of my simple life. As i understand, a simple man's simplicity has deeper thoughts in his own language, may be he pens down with his EQ, and here am i, girl of moderately high EQ. A commuter to work and back home, there is no much to share - a daily task for the bread, what normally matters is at work and at home. Does the journey or "on the way" factor has something to d with my simple life?

It did, and one of those days experiences is what i jotted as my terrific times of this week. i could still inhale the cold breeze it brought in to my nostrils and to my nose tip. Night falls early these days, and i feel at 6:30, that i am too late to go back home. Glass panes down, a normal FM music, as i rush out to the high streets, the light chain along the horizon and the west blower always pulls my hand out to wave and feel the flow of the path i travel or the wind travel. it takes to somewhere of my past, not knowing where exactly i went to, that it brings such a special feel and flavor to my life. 
it wipes away the days hardships and tiredness and i still is a rich source of energy for anything more to do. it leaves me with no destination, no time lines and no accountabilities.
 A beautiful flying soul.