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AbU dHabi, United Arab Emirates

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Random Emotions: and this is truly a single emotion which is PAIN & ONLY PAIN. Heart does not cry, it weeps by sinking. For many I have Sundu is a cat, and for me she was an honest pet. She, the only one left out in the first generation of Kittu (mother cat) and happened to be a mother of two ( i said so, bcoz she was a gentle cat in terms of going around! ). A fair soft cat with  a red collar belt, she was beautiful and clean. This is not an intro made in search of a foster home, but a sob for her lost time memory

Pride, is her attire as she hates messing with other cats, she keeps them all outside LoC. A crying cat when Dad sends her out at night, an escort cat on our way to church or work, a wake-up alarm cat when its the usual time for Dad to Jog- she was always there pampering self and attracting us to her with her naughty dolly nature.
Her name was Sundari, and when love became deep, we petted her more by calling her Sundu

Ash wednesday, starting from home to church, when I reached near the car where a gang of school leaving kids, as they hang out usually there), they asked me Are all these kitten yours? I did not like the counting question, still i said Yes.
Again " Is the dead cat too yours"? I said " No"
"The White One"-  I replied in anger slightly irritated "No"

" The White one with the red collar belt"? - That stopped my breath.
I ran to the other side of the road, to which the kids pointed, laid down along the pavement on the road, bleeding/ watering from its ear lobes ( which i used to always play with the fur in it, she gets a special tickle when i do that) and backside.
So soft like a cotton ball on the road, i tried to wake her up, longing for a light move or a gaze- A simple sign of life,  I would have taken her to anywhere to get her back to us.

As Dad says, Sundu was loved much, and she had to take away a harm from us by hurting self!!