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AbU dHabi, United Arab Emirates

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Deep Sea Treasure

Recently, me and my colleague were free and lucky enough to go to an agriculture and trade exhibition. '"Lucky" is not because, the exhibit was something which cannot be missed for my knowledge or been given invitation only to the VVips of the town, and we were 2 among them. Lucky, because these days to get a day away from work was harder.

If animal welfare applies only when we care for the beings which are domesticated, then what would you do to care for the animals which are going to extinct, due to the over-consumption by human race- Then it has the very usual naming "preserve it".For me who has much to do with food microbiology, smoking, salting, vacuuming etc. make the preservation techniques. But one of the stalls at the exhibition caught my eyes with a new phrasing for the conservation of edible resources - " Choose Wisely- The solution is in your hands"

Yes, the solution is in our hands to conserve the resources and keep the tastier dishes still as it is for our kids  and grand kids. A simple yet convincing initiative by Emirates Wild Life Society (EWS) and WWF Dubai in promoting the sustainability of flora and fauna through tailoring our lifestyle eco-friendly.

UAE ians are fond of fishes, and this ..ians comprises the expatriates too. I, not so -philic to fish, used to wonder during my market visits, is this frequent taste to taste the fishes is because it is geographically gulf or is it because the classic tradition of fisher men and trade still in their lifestyle? The yield and the fullness seen in the market always reflect the nation's richness and prosperity.
The wide array of catch from the net normally gets in to the loading bay of hotels, caterers and not-so- much- yet in to the domestic kitchens as well. Among which top the fishes- hamour, kingfish, shari, yemah etc. - the regular hotcakes in the fisherman's net resulting in overfishing than the seas can sustain, depleting their populations.
WWF identified  the gulf fish trends based on the stock availability, seasons, demand in the market etc and classified it in to three main categories.
The beautiful awareness venture to protect the future and biodiversity of UAE fisheries by a non-profit environmental organisation. They say that  the overall number of commercial fish in the conutry has declined to 80% in the last 30 years- a shocking and unbelievable stat., and that made environmentalists to commence this project of making the  consumer public aware of and promoting them to choose wisely and buy only the sustainable deep sea treasures.

Back to the 3 categories mentioned in the consumer guide:
Red:       Think Again! (Stock is heavily overfished)

Orange:   Good choice, but there is better (stock exploited within sustainable levels)

Green:      Go for it! (stock is not experiencing heavy fishing pressure)

This categorization is a simple identification of what to and what not to buy, so that your today's act protect our resources for tomorrows generation.

Let your taste buds not get upset, there's good news too for the foodies, there I was given a fish recipe book to prepare the dish - the same taste with different piscian species, which are available in plenty. An appetizer for your cravings with no cost to the environment. Let this be your convincing statement to the clients, guests, customers and of course yes to your kids too.

Would you like to support the campaign? Click here: http://www.choosewisely.ae/page/support-campaign

Demand catalyzes supply and hence I appreciate and welcome this consumer awareness, but, cant we do the other way too by imparting these awareness among producers, -Because "You Supply, I Buy"